Voices In Time Religion 384 | Rome Let Not Demons Dance Saint Jerome warns against the plague of lust.More
Voices In Time Religion 1823 | England Painted Wood William Hazlitt dismantles the world of make-believe.More
Voices In Time Religion 1755 | Edinburgh As in a Great Theater David Hume on not fearing the unknown.More
Voices In Time Religion c. 1880 | England Who Knows Why? Gerard Manley Hopkins sees god in the details.More
Voices In Time Religion 1904 | Heidelberg Waste Not Max Weber on Puritans and the glorification of labor.More
Voices In Time Religion 1901 | Edinburgh Channel of Blood William James analyzes religious eccentricity.More
Voices In Time Religion 778 | Saragossa Splitting Hairs Charlemagne strikes a blow against paganism.More