Voices In Time Sports & Games c. 100 | Alexandria The Drug of Folly Sports’ culture of intoxication.More
Voices In Time Sports & Games c. 700 BC | Sparta Title Nine The athletic, educated, and outspoken women of Sparta.More
Voices In Time Sports & Games c. 300 | Rome We Who Are About to Die Salute You Lord Byron observes a dying gladiator.More
Voices In Time Sports & Games c. 109 | Rome Team Colors Pliny the Younger cannot understand why fans root for clothes.More
Voices In Time Sports & Games c. 190 | Rome Shooting Gallery Emperor Commodus and his menagerie of death.More
Voices In Time Sports & Games c. 1300 BC | Boeotia Ovid as Sportswriter Hippomenes wins the trophy wife.More
Voices In Time Sports & Games c. 590 BC | Athens Lucian Asks, Why Sports? Discussing the purpose of athletics.More